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Why does my SOAP note have outdated Patient information?
If your patient has outdated contact information within the intake irreflective of their current information, learn how to change it here
You may have noticed that the patient's date of birth, gender, and/or contact information on your SOAP note(s) seem to be different from the information within the patient's file. If so, there's an easy explanation for this!
SOAP notes are sensitive legal data, so it will reflect the information present at the time the intake was started.
Therefore, if you updated the patient's contact information after you clicked/tapped Begin Intake, the SOAP note will not reflect that updated information. Going forward however, all future intakes will reflect the current information.
To fix this, click on the edit button within the SOAP note. The edit button is the pencil and pad icon located next to the Patient ID number.
Next, update the personal information. Such as phone number, date of birth, or gender, and click Save.
Keep in mind that if the SOAP note has been closed and signed, you will need to unlock the SOAP note. If that is the case then edit the information, and re-close and sign the intake.
Now you're all set! Repeat the very same steps for any additional SOAP notes with outdated patient information.