Check out our latest improvements to Web!
Web Update:
- Practitioners can now choose if they want to be available for Chat or not in Account > My Account.
- Improvement for practitioners with auto-accept OFF. If a patient was rescheduling the appointment was being accepted automatically without being pending. This is now fixed Now if a patient reschedules the new generated appointment will be pending waiting for the practitioner approval, not accepted.
- When confirming an appointment with CCPE the patient had to perform two actions: save the card and then confirm the appointment. This is now fixed. We took out the save card button, the confirm appointment button will save the card and confirm the appointment.
- When an invoice by email is sent, "last sent on" text will display next to the button.
Bug Fixes:
- The send payment link (invoice by email) was not showing for some clinics. This is now fixed.
- Wrong date format in sent reminders. The date was in dd/mm/yyyy. This is now fixed to show mm/dd/yyyy.
- In certain conditions, emails and texts were not being sent to patients. This is now fixed
- Sometimes patients were not able to access chat, an error appeared. This is now fixed.
- Merchant track was opening in same tab. Now this will open in a new tab.
- In the appointment confirmation email the provider's name was included in the email receiver field instead of the patient's. This is now fixed
- In the cancellation policy within the Patient Portal the $ displayed after the amount. This is now fixed.