Check out our latest improvements to our Web Application!
Web Updates:
Patient Portal:
- Locations, services and practitioners now display in alphabetical order.
- This improvement is a highly requested feature request.
- We added a text to the hard-coded CCPE policy:
"A $1 pre-authorization might be placed on your credit card, it will be removed automatically and will not appear on your statement.”
- This will add clarity to patients and reduce the number of calls they make to the clinics.
- Updated Terms of Use on the Legal page from your Account.
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved an issue: When cancelling an appointment with CCPE, the button "Keep the appointment" (which should just close the cancellation confirmation pop-up without cancelling the appointment) was not working.
- Resolved an issue: In Notification Settings, for the SMS confirmation of appointment confirmation, the title was wrong.
- Instead of displaying "Accepted Confirmation" it was displaying "Rejected Confirmation"
- Resolved an issue: Each time a CCPE appointment was booked with adding a new card on file, the $1 pre-authorization was processed.
- Since the card is already validated when saving it on file, it will not re-validate the card.
- Resolved an issue: Each save on a CCPE appointment without changing the assigned credit card triggered a new $1 pre-authorization.
- This is now corrected, no pre-authorization is required since validation occurs when the appointment is booked.
- Resolved an issue: If multiple CCPE appointments are booked in the same day, only the first booking would trigger a pre-authorization.
- Since validation already occurred, further appointments booked on the same day will not have multiple pre-authorizations.