How to add ICD Pointers for Insurance Claims

Learn how to add ICD pointers for insurance claims

What are ICD pointers?

ICD (Diagnosis code) pointers are used to link the diagnosis code to the appropriate CPT code. The first pointer typically identifies the primary diagnosis in relation to the primary service (CPT) offered, while additional ICD pointers may be added in order of significance. 

Generally, we recommend contacting your Biller or local Acupuncture Association for more information on correctly adding ICD pointers for your claim forms. 


To add ICD pointers within the invoice, make sure you've added the ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes. Each ICD code will have a letter assigned to it (under the "#" column).


Next, select the ICD pointer dropdown, and select the appropriate diagnosis pointer by choosing the reference letter.


Now that you've added your ICD pointers, make sure to save your changes!