Health Screening Forms (COVID Form)

Need your patients to fill out a health screening form prior to their appointment? Here's how.

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How to Turn on Screening Forms

Turn on Notifications:

In Clinic Settings > Scheduling Settings > Letter R in your Unified Practice account, turn on the Screening forms reminder(s) and set how many hours before the appointment you would like the reminder(s) to be sent.

Scheduling Settings Screening Forms

If your clinic is not utilizing the telemedicine feature, the screening forms setting will instead be Letter P.  The form will only become available to your patients within the time frame set here. Be sure to scroll down & click Submit to save your information!

NOTE: If you booked an appointment before adding/activating your forms, they will not be assigned. You cannot retroactively assign forms to an appointment.

Add Your Form:


In Clinic Settings > Onboarding Forms, you will be able to create your screening form by clicking on the Add Form button to the right of the Your Screening Forms section.  

Here, you will be able to customize the screening form according to the needs of your clinic. The form will only become available to your patients within the time frame set within Step 1 (Clinic Settings > Scheduling Settings > Letter R/ Letter P).

Forms are assigned at the time an appointment is scheduled based on the Patient Type and Service Type selected for each form. Your patients will be able to fill your screening forms out via the Complete Screening Forms button within their reminder email.

COVID-19 Screening Form Template


Unified Practice has provided a pre-loaded template pertaining to Covid-19. By default, the form is inactive. To view the template, click the Include Inactive Items check box in the top right corner of the Onboarding Forms page.



Once the box is selected, the Covid-19 Screening Form Template will appear in the Your Screening Forms section. You will be able to mark the form Active and click Edit to make any changes necessary. This form is for reference only, so the clinic is ultimately responsible for ensuring the form meets local health regulations for Covid-19. The following image is the pre-loaded template pertaining to Covid-19 Unified Practice has provided:


Covid Screening Form